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Millers Falls Boring Machine Bits

Lovely Millers Falls Boring Machine Bits from Jim Bode

There are a wealth of interesting antique woodworking hand tools out there in the world, and thankfully Jim Bode has a great online shop devoted to preserving and reselling some of these beautiful items. I recently received 3 lovely drill bits for our Millers Falls boring machine, a 2″, 1 1/2″, and a unique 1″ bit, all lovingly sharpened and cleaned, and a sheer pleasure to use for the first time. Wow!

Scouring Old Hand Tools

Jim Bode has old fine woodworking, timber frame, blacksmithing, engraving tools, and more. I’m thankful for all the folks out there that are devoted to sifting through rust and grime, uncovering treasures, and making sure they get into the hands of people that want to use well made, old tools.

Jim’s shop is full of collectibles and solid workers, and just browsing through the site is something of an educational experience. Just check out some of those stunning goosewing broad axes!

I was very pleased with the bits we received and can happily give a positive recommendation for Jim for his business. Yahoo!