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The Season of Transition

By March 2, 2016No Comments

Changes are coming our way. April’s official due date is mere days away, the weather seems to be warming, and our focus on projects is (finally) slowly shifting away from remodeling stuff into other realms of life. Onion seedlings are sprouting away in the south window, and the garden is getting expanded and doused with manure bit by bit in preparation for a serious food growing year.

I’ve been up in the woods gathering firewood for next winter, and cutting logs for inoculating shiitake and golden oyster mushrooms this week. We’ve had a bunch of new woodworking tools show up from a grant we received last year, and the garage is slowly becoming filled with our collection of new equipment. The grass is barely but visibly growing. There is, in short, a lot happening right now.

March has always felt like the month where the possibility of different things to do just explodes, and this year is no exception. The main difference this year from previous years is that the biggest change of all is also occurring in the same time frame… the new baby. Well, we’re still waiting, but definitely ready and excited for the new changes that the bebe will bring to our lives.

It’s hard to predict what the next few weeks will really look like, and how our routines will change. Hopefully I will still find time to post regular updates here on the ol’ blog. This is a time for transition on many fronts, and my regular writing hours might see some changes.

In other news, interest in this year’s Natural Building Workshops seems to be happily spreading, as we already have several participants lined up for both our Timber Frame Workshop and Natural Building Essentials courses. On top of everything else, we’ll have to really nail down our timber frame design details and make building preparations slowly but surely.

Did I say this was a season of transition? Well, make that a season of the rapidly expanding “to do” list, too.


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