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Where Do Your Morels Lie?

By Homesteading, Photos
Morel Mushrooms 2015

A few paltry (but pretty) morel mushrooms

Well dangnabbit. This year appears to be another bust for morel mushrooms. Last year, resident fungi guru and our friend Tim said (of 2014) “this is the worst year to date, in my experience”. This year he said “this is the worst year to date, in my experience”. Well, humph. Did we bring bad luck with us from Missouri?

At least we found a few… and I mean, a few. Pictured above is a not insignificant percentage of the total haul. I’ve heard firsthand accounts of years where 30 lbs. of morels were plucked out of the woods and carried victoriously home. Granted, that was a rare boom year, but still. The disparity of the prevalence of these morels is rather odd.

Oh well. Maybe next year? Or maybe the other fungi family members will pick up the slack (chicken of the woods, chanterelles, maitake?) Have you had any luck in your neck of the woods?

Oh right, building stuff… I’ve got a big ol’ article in the works, coming at you hopefully within a couple days. It’s been hard to find the time this past week, but my newest post will be about timber framing tools… stay tuned.

Embodied Energy of Common and Natural Building Materials

By Resources

light clay straw

Embodied energy is a term that often comes up when discussing the benefits of building with natural materials over synthetic, manufactured, or more conventional building components. It’s an important concept — embodied energy is “the sum of all the energy required to produce any goods or services, considered as if that energy was incorporated or ’embodied’ in the product itself.”

Attempting to actually calculate or understand the full implications of embodied energy is a mighty challenge, however, and honestly a bit befuddling, since it’s going to be completely different depending on your location. However, this table from The Natural Building Companion book is an excellent reference — not the end-all be-all of data necessarily, but an excellent case example comparing the differences in embodied energy between natural materials like straw, sand, and timber to concrete, paint, fiberglass insulation, and others.

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One of the Best Natural Building Books of the Past Few Years

By Straw Bale Building, Book Reviews

Natural Building Companion Book“Natural building is about relationships. We choose to work with natural materials not just because they are ‘natural,’ but also because their use is the logical conclusion of a process in which we seek to develop and sustain as many relationships and connections as possible within the context of the development of a building. The process of natural building acts as a web, connecting us back to ‘place’ and all those who help make that place.”

These are some of the closing remarks from Jacob Deva Racusin and Ace McArleton in their excellent natural building guide, The Natural Building Companion. This is one of the best natural building books of the past few years, not just for insights like the one above, but for the wealth of practical information, diagrams, and design ideas contained within, particularly useful for folks living in wet and cold winter climates. This is a significant niche that is often ill-covered in other similar building books, and Racusin and McArleton fill in with some much needed ideas.

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The Benefit of Doing Little Projects

By Woodworking
Shaker Candle Box 01

A recent small project, a Shaker candle box

It’s nice to have a small project in the works once in a while. Building a house, on the extreme end of the spectrum, is a dizzying task of organization, lining up materials and labor, and of course the construction itself. It’s a truly heroic effort to bring a house to completion. Over the past couple of years, I’ve found woodworking to be a nice side pursuit, because I get some of the same satisfaction and skill building that I do from building homes, but the scale is obviously so much smaller and so much more manageable.

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Grand Finale: How to Build a Better Outdoor Pizza Oven

By Cob Oven
Homemade Pizza Party

This is the final installment of my outdoor pizza oven building guide!

If you’ve been following along with my “How to Build a Better Cob Oven” series — great! If you haven’t, you can catch up by reading part 1 and part 2. So far I’ve described how to site your new oven and build a shelter, how to prepare and build the foundation, install the hearth, door opening, and build the cob dome itself. So let’s see where we are now… I think it’s time to talk about insulation, plaster, and wrapping things up.

Here’s the final installment of How to Build a Better Outdoor Oven.

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Sneak Peak: Off-Grid Straw Bale Cabin

By Natural Building Workshops, Straw Bale Building
Porch Roof on Off-Grid Straw Bale Cabin

Wrapping up the framing on the porch roof of the off-grid cabin

How can it possibly be that March is already coming to an end? The passing of time is so utterly mundane of a subject but it’s terribly fascinating to ponder at the same time. I can hardly believe how fast these weeks go by sometimes. I’ve been spending some quality time doing various woodworking projects over the last month, so I’ve got some catching up to do on the blog. For now I wanted to share a couple of photos of the off-grid straw bale cabin we’re helping to build with our friends here in Kentucky. This off-grid house will be the site of our 7 day Straw Bale Workshop this July.

This sweet little cabin is tucked away in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains, and it will be decked out with straw bale walls and clay plaster this summer. Eventually it will have a small off-grid power system and be a comfy little outpost in a beautiful patch of forest.

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A Simple Dutch Tool Chest for Hand Tool Storage

By Woodworking, Hand Tools
Large Dutch Tool Chest Plans

The finished Dutch tool chest. No Netherlanders were harmed in this process.

I’m not gonna lie. I don’t think I’ve ever had proper hand tool storage. At Dancing Rabbit we had a nice tool shed for a while, which was great, actually. But things never had a proper place in there… and then we moved. And before that shed… well, don’t even ask.

In our current transitional living space, we finally have a makeshift workshop space. (That’s where our new workbench lives.) Which means we can do more woodworking projects. Which means some solid tool storage is even more important than before. Finally, some of my tools have some proper storage. I built a so-called Dutch tool chest recently, and it’s doing a fine job of enabling some order amongst my slowly growing hand tool kit. Check it out…

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Book Giveaway: America’s Covered Bridges

By Book Reviews, Traditional Building

ACB Jacket.inddCovered bridges are a big source of nostalgia and fascination for many folks in America. Fewer intact examples litter the countryside today than ever before, but once upon a time they were a critical part of early transportation infrastructure. At the time they were built (and today, too), they were engineering marvels, often built by formally uneducated people with simple technology (and definitely nothing in the way of calculators, computers, or load tables.)

Less than 1000 covered bridges remain in service today, but during the two hundred years of covered bridge heyday, over 15,000 were built. America’s Covered Bridges: Practical Crossings, Nostalgic Icons is a beefy hardcover illuminating the source of fascination of the covered bridge in the American landscape.

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Check This: The Completed Roubo Workbench

By Woodworking
Split Top Roubo Workbench

The newly finished Roubo workbench, made of ash

Our attempt at building a split-top Roubo workbench is, more or less, complete. We put the finishing touches on it over the weekend, and suffice to say, things are feeling pretty good right now. This workbench is going to enable us to do some serious woodworking not just immediately, but likely for a long, long time…

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Two Great Classic Books about Old Barns

By Timber Framing, Traditional Building
Old Barns

Curious about old barns? Check out these two classic books

Old barns litter the American countryside everywhere you look. Many are mediocre, some are nice, and few are outstanding. And usually, the older the barn, the grander the construction. Sadly, the truly outstanding barns are few and far in-between. As industrial agriculture eats up acres and acres (and everything/everyone on them), all barns of old are left to crumble. Though once the most important building on a small family farm, they are mostly mere symbols now. Most “barns” these days are soulless metal boxes built with reckless speed and probably with no more of a lifespan relative to the time they take to build.

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