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Finding Used Timber Framing Hand Tools

By Hand Tools, Timber Framing

1 1/2" framing chisel & corner chisel found at flea market

I’ll admit, I do like shopping once in a while, although I dislike going to most stores. The kind of shopping that I don’t complain about, though, is the kind that happens once a month at our local flea markets.

These flea markets are brimming with tools, if you can manage picking through piles and piles of rust and assorted junk, but every once in a while you will walk away happy. I’ve spent the last year specifically looking for timber framing tools, and have had some success with procuring things on my want list. Read More

OT: Too Big To Ignore: The Occupy Together Protests

By Uncategorized

This has no direct relationship with the content of this blog, but it’s too big to ignore, and to close to my soul to not mention here. The Occupy Together protests (or the We are the One Percent, or Occupy Wall Street) are igniting worldwide, and I must say, it’s hugely exciting, and part of me wishes I could participate. But I’m geographically nowhere near any of the protests. So be it.

I do hope this movement has staying power, because this present time feels like it could be a tipping point — politically, socially, culturally, ecologically… and these protests can have huge power, as long as they are tactically and thoughtfully organized, and with clear and powerful messages and demands for change. I don’t want to hype it up, but there is so much coalescing in this world, so much demand for real change, and these protests are a mighty vehicle in a hugely important time to get our message out there.

Check out these photos from protests around the globe.

p.s. Check out Occupy George and how you can protest wealth inequality in America.

4 Reasons You Should Consider Wood Heat at Home

By Winter, Heating

I figure many of the readers of this here blog are familiar with wood heat, but perhaps that is just an assumption. Anyway, I want to mention this post I recently wrote for sustainablog about wood heat — it’s called Wood Heat Stoves: 4 Reasons You Should Consider Heating with Wood.

Check it out. I love wood heat, and the benefits are many. What it all boils down to, though, is that nothing really compares to having a live fire in your home. It just feels so… human.